NEW AD: Josh Shapiro Releases New Spanish Language Radio Ads - Shapiro For Governor
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June 9, 2022Press Releases

NEW AD: Josh Shapiro Releases New Spanish Language Radio Ads


June 9, 2022


SPA Press,


NEW AD: Josh Shapiro Releases New Spanish Language Radio Ads 

New ad will run on some of the largest Latino radio stations in Pennsylvania, highlighting Josh Shapiro’s track record and top priorities. 

PENNSYLVANIA – Today, Josh Shapiro’s campaign for Governor of Pennsylvania released a new Spanish language radio ad, Nuestras Peleas,” to highlight his track record of fighting for Pennsylvanians and his top priorities as Governor. This ad will be running on stations in Philadelphia, Allentown, Reading, and Lancaster as Shapiro continues communicating with all Pennsylvanians and meeting voters where they are. 

In “Nuestras Peleas,” the narrator speaks about how Shapiro has protected health care for nearly 2 million people, fought for workers who have been screwed over, and worked with law enforcement to crack down on opioids. Then, the ad discusses Josh’s top priorities as Governor: fixing Pennsylvania’s schools, cutting taxes and creating jobs, and keeping communities safe. 

This new radio ad comes as Shapiro has been highlighting his record of fighting for Pennsylvanians and illustrating how his family and faith ground his public service in TV ads running across the Commonwealth months ahead of the general election. With this new Spanish language radio ad, Josh Shapiro’s campaign will continue communicating his values, track record, and top priorities with Pennsylvania voters.

Listen to “Nuestras Peleas” Here


Narrator: ¿Qué está en juego para nuestra comunidad en esta elección? Todo. Especialmente aquí en Pennsylvania.

Pero hay un candidato para Gobernador que siempre lucha a nuestro lado:

Josh Shapiro. Está con nosotros.

Como Fiscal General, Josh Shapiro se enfrentó a la industria de seguros para proteger el

acceso al cuidado de salud para dos millones de personas en Pennsylvania.

Él trabajó con la policía para combatir la crisis de opioides en nuestras calles, y defendió a

trabajadores cuando sus jefes intentaron estafarlos.

Ahora, Josh Shapiro es candidato a Gobernador.

Él asignará los recursos que nuestras escuelas necesitan y hará que la educación sea una


Shapiro bajará los impuestos y creará trabajos bien pagados en Pennsylvania.

Él trabajará con la policía para que nuestras comunidades sean seguras.

Josh Shapiro. Un gobernador para estos tiempos.


Narrator: What’s on the line for our community in the upcoming election? Everything. Especially here in Pennsylvania.

Thankfully, there’s one candidate for Governor whose fights are always our fights:

Josh Shapiro. He’s for us.

As Attorney General, Josh Shapiro stood up to the insurance industry to protect access to

health care for two million Pennsylvanians.

He worked with police to combat the opioid crisis on our streets and stood up for workers

when their company tried to rip them off.

Now, Josh Shapiro is running for Governor.

He’ll fully fund our schools and make education a top priority.

Shapiro will cut taxes and bring high-wage jobs to Pennsylvania.

He’ll work with law enforcement to keep our communities safe.

Josh Shapiro. A Governor for times like these.
